too close, a little too close

The nerve of Sarah Palin to accuse Barack Obama of being anti-American, racist, and a terrorist.

This side of the campaign has been telling people that they are who they are with. Obama has been known to be neighbors with Bill Ayers, domestic terrorist, and it has been said that Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' living room. There's also Obama's pastor Jeremy Wright who has launched a racist attack quite a while back. By association, she implies that Obama is also racist and a terrorist. Plus that he is anti-American, which is unfounded.

Accusations of which Sarah Palin wishes to open to America. Oh, okay, let us use that case: you are who you associate sleep with.

Let us now then question the person closest to the lipstick-wearing pitbull herself, Todd Palin, her husband.

Todd Palin is a member for seven years of the Alaskan Independence Party which, at first establishment, sought the secession of the state of Alaska from America. Some members are currently disputing whether to join Canada, or to become part of a Western Canadian State. Isn't Canada a different country from America? Joe Vogler, founder of the party, has been quoted many times as saying, "I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions."

Who is anti-America now?


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