keeping up with US presidential elections

I support Barack Obama. Hell with Americans who don't see that he's the smarter one over McCain.

I've been following the US elections since late last year, and I can't contain the excitement (and frustration) it has brought since I've been going over it. The political arena is still as it is; I could only drool at how people talk about issues and stuff. Here it's a popularity contest. The best way for us to select a president in 2010? Put them all in Big Brother's house and the Big Winner gets to be Prez. At least we can watch them when we know our trapos to be sneaky.

I can't understand the racial discrimination that Obama has been getting. It's just too unreal that people are blinded by race when clearly he is the more eloquent, more charismatic, and has the better policies on economics, education, and health. Plus foreign policies where McCain is no doubt well-versed in.

Obama has clear-cut policies on education, even starting from early childhood. His health coverage is much better than McCain. You can't go forever on into the Reaganist doctrine of deregulate, deregulate, deregulate; look at the Philippine example, for one thing. Large corporations will eventually eat up the small ones in this kind of example.

I agree that McCain is out of touch. The Palin pick is one such example. I can't even start to identify each and every point of argument. One thing, he doesn't understand the middle and working class. Two, he just only realized (just the past week, goddamn) that the US economy isn't going well. Plus why'd you want a president who's a liar? We've had enough of that here, look at us at least, and see for yourself.

I'd like to pound in more keys to tell why I love Obama, but that would be for another time. Consider this my introductory write-up. Haha.


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